Bot Scoring & Filtering

Bot scoring and bot filtering are advanced tools that many enterprise publishers utilize. However, these services are very costly. It’s not uncommon for enterprise publishers to be quoted bot filtering solutions at two-to-five times higher amounts than the cost of their entire remaining ad serving infrastructure.

With Sulvo bot scoring & filtering, you can assess the quality of impressions before sending them to your buyers, improve site reputation scores, and increase revenue at the same time. This enterprise feature comes built-in with your Sulvo units regardless of your traffic size.

Icon of a funnel with gears and a dollar sign, representing converting a cost center into a revenue driver.

Turn a cost center into a revenue driver

Bot Scoring and Bot Filtering are cost centers in nearly any other solution outside of Sulvo.
Sulvo comes with built-in bot recognition at no additional cost and turns bot management into a revenue driver initiative.

Icon of a browser window with a graph, representing increasing site quality and ad CPM.

Increase site quality and Ad CPM

When advertisers receive good quality leads, they increase budgets further. Selling high-quality impressions is a minimum requirement for all Enterprise publishers.

Icon of a slider control with plus and dollar signs, representing simplified and integrated bot reporting and filtering.

Simplified and integrated

Use bot reporting and bot filtering tools to increase your revenue without adding any extra costs. No code or technical maintenance is required.

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